Islamic Insights Journal 2023-10-16T07:27:15+00:00 Mohammad Anas Open Journal Systems <p>Islamic Insights Journal (IIJ) is an online peer-reviewed journal published by Centre of Pesantren Studies and Community Development, Universitas Brawijaya. IIJ welcomes a wide-range of original papers in English or Bahasa Indonesia.</p><p>IIJ is dedicated to the scholarly study of Islam and its society. The journal gives special attention to scripts related with religion, history, politics, economics, sociology, culture, law, literature, philosophy, international relations, and other issues that deal with Islam and its civilization. It particularly welcomes interdisciplinary works on Islam in Indonesia and South East Asia.</p><p>Since December 2021, IIJ has acquired accreditation status and ranked 5 in Sinta.</p> Analisis Analisis Kendala Penerapan Zakat Digital Pada BAZNAS Kota Malang 2022-07-23T15:19:56+00:00 Yohana Eva <p>Since 2016 BAZNAS has developed a digitalization strategy in zakat payments. Since pandemic BAZNAS has maximized zakat management through digitalization techniques. This is in accordance with the regulation of the Ministry of Religion Number 6 of 2020 which orders that the management of zakat is minimally possible through physical contact. Digitalization has begun to be maximized, however, until now digitization has not been fully carried out simultaneously and evenly. BAZNAS Malang City is one of the BAZNAS that has developed the concept of digitizing zakat, however, zakat management at BAZNAS Malang City has not fully implemented the digital concept. Therefore, to find out what causes BAZNAS in Malang City to not fully implement digital zakat, this article was prepared to analyze the obstacles to implementing digital zakat at BAZNAS Malang City. This article was compiled using a descriptive qualitative approach using a case study strategy in problem analysis. This study uses primary data and secondary data, primary data obtained through structured interviews with BAZNAS officers in Malang City and secondary data obtained from related literature articles. Based on the results of research on collecting zakat, infaq, shadaqah funds at BAZNAS Malang City using cash and digital methods. In the distribution of funds, they still use traditional methods, however, BAZNAS Malang City in reporting has partially used digital techniques.</p> 2023-07-10T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Yohana Eva Studi Komparatif Al-Qur'an Tarjamah Tafsiriyah M. Thalib dan Terjemah Kemenag terhadap Kata “Fitnah” pada Surat Al-Baqarah 2023-07-17T08:55:24+00:00 Mukhammad Lutfi <p>This study aims to examine the comparison of Al-Qur'an Tarjamah Tafsiriyah M. Thalib and Al-Qur’an Terjemah Kemenag in translating the word “fitnah” in QS. Al-Baqarah verses 102, 191, 193 and 217. This study uses a library research approach that utilizes the Al-Qur'an Tarjamah Tasiriyah M. Thalib and Al-Qur’an Terjemah Kemenag as the unit of analysis. The data in this study are analyzed comparatively by comparing the translations of the two by revealing the similarities and differences along with the author's criticism. The dominant translation of the word "fitnah" in Q.S Al-Baqarah by M. Talib is translated as a test, disturbance, obstacle to the religious life of Muslims. Meanwhile the word "fitnah" in Q.S Al-Baqarah by the Ministry of Religion (Kemenag) is predominantly translated while still using the original word, namely the word slander itself. Based on the findings, M. Talib is directing the interpretation of the verses of the Qur'an in accordance with his ideology, inviting readers to always obey Islamic teachings and fully implementing Islamic shari'ah in everyday life and inviting Muslims to be loyal by all forms of Islamic struggle. Meanwhile, the Ministry of Religion (Kemenag), which oversees various religions, including Islam, is trying to present a translation of the word "fitnah" in QS. Al-Baqarah verses 102, 191, 193 and 217 are in a moderate framework while still displaying the word "fitnah" in their translation which then opens itself to interpretation and criticism.</p> <p> </p> <p>Penelitian ini bertujuan mengkaji perbandingan Al-Qur’an Tarjamah Tafsiriyah M. Thalib dan Terjemah Kemenag dalam menerjemahkan kata “fitnah” dalam QS. Al-Baqarah ayat 102, 191, 193, dan 217. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kajian pustaka (library research) yang memanfaatkan Al-Qur’an Tarjamah Tafsiriyah M. Thalib dan Terjemah Kemenag sebagai unit analisis. Data dalam penelitian ini dianalsis secara komparatif yang membandingkan terjemahan keduanya dengan mengungkap sisi persamaan, perbedaannya berikut kritik penulis. Penerjemahan kata “fitnah” pada Q.S Al-Baqarah secara dominan oleh M. Thalib diterjemahkan sebagai ujian, gangguan, rintangan terhadap kehidupan beragama kaum muslim. Sementara itu kata “fitnah” pada Q.S Al-Baqarah oleh Kemenag secara dominan diterjemahkan dengan tetap menggunakan kata aslinya, yaitu kata fitnah itu sendiri. Berdasarkan temuan, M. Thalib sedang mengarahkan penafsiran ayat-ayat Al-Qur`an sesuai dengan ideologinya, mengajak para pembaca untuk selalu mentaati ajaran Islam dan menerapkan syari’at Islam secara utuh dalam kehidupan sehari-hari dan mengajak umat Islam untuk berlaku loyal dengan segala bentuk perjuangan Islam. Sementara itu Kemenag yang menaungi berbagai agama, termasuk Islam berusaha menampilkan terjemahan kata “fitnah” dalam QS. Al-Baqarah ayat 102, 191, 193, dan 217 dalam kerangka yang moderat dengan tetap menampilkan kata “fitnah” pada terjemahannya yang kemudian membuka diri untuk ditafsirkan dan dikritisi.</p> 2023-07-10T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Mukhammad Lutfi Problematika Guru Pendidikan Agama Islam (PAI) Dalam Membangun Karakter Siswa Di Sekolah Dasar Pada Masa Pandemi Covid-19 2023-08-11T09:21:54+00:00 Mariyanto Arief Sukino Erwin Mahrus <p><em>This study aims to determine the role of Islamic Religious Education teachers in building student characteristics in Elementary Schools during the Covid-19 pandemic and the constraints of Islamic Religious Education teachers in building student character in Elementary Schools during the Covid-19 pandemic. This research uses a qualitative approach with literature research methods. The collection technique used is document study, and the data analysis used is content analysis. The results showed that the learning process of Islamic Religious Education is not only cognitive but also affective and psychomotor. Islamic Religious Education in building student character in elementary schools can be done in various ways, but the most important thing is that a teacher can adapt to the times and can also determine effective learning strategies, especially in the learning process carried out online, considering that during the Covid-19 pandemic, learning was carried out online. In addition, a teacher must also be able to master competencies as an educator, namely professional, pedagogic, social, and personality. The obstacle experienced by Islam Religious Education teachers in building student character in elementary schools during the Covid-19 pandemic is that they have not mastered pedagogic competence so the learning method applied is monotonous, namely assignment. There are still many teachers who have not been able to adapt to the times, especially technology so the learning media used are less varied. There are still teachers who take actions that are not in accordance with Islamic religious teachings, Such as gambling, cheating, and justifying all means to get a certain position, especially to become a school principal.</em></p> 2023-07-10T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Mariyanto, Arief Sukino, Erwin Mahrus Bentuk Pelaksanaan, Makna Simbolik dan Nilai Filosofi Pada Tradisi Kupatan Masyarakat Kabupaten Tulungagung 2023-07-18T03:48:31+00:00 Kamila NawangTsany Millatuz Zakiyah <p><span class="s10"><span class="bumpedFont20">In the </span></span><span class="s10"><span class="bumpedFont20">Kupatan</span></span><span class="s10"><span class="bumpedFont20"> tradition, a common effort for blessings and prosperity is being undertaken by an entire community. This study uses qualitative method which aims to focus on implementation, the symbolic interpretation of food, and the philosophical values that exist in the </span></span><span class="s10"><span class="bumpedFont20">Kupatan</span></span><span class="s10"><span class="bumpedFont20"> tradition. This study uses descriptive qualitative method. Meanwhile, data collection method used by researchers in the form of observation, interview techniques, and literature study. According to the results of this study, there are many symbolic meanings of food in the implementation of the </span></span><span class="s10"><span class="bumpedFont20">kupatan</span></span><span class="s10"><span class="bumpedFont20">tradition, starting from what is categorized as the main food, namely </span></span><span class="s10"><span class="bumpedFont20">kupat</span></span><span class="s10"><span class="bumpedFont20">, along with the meaning of the raw material, namely white rice and its wrapping material, namely coconut leaves, as well as the symbolic meaning of various complementary foods in this tradition. Furthermore, the philosophical value is also analyzed in the form of implementing the </span></span><span class="s10"><span class="bumpedFont20">Kupatan</span></span><span class="s10"><span class="bumpedFont20"> tradition which concludes that the implementation of the </span></span><span class="s10"><span class="bumpedFont20">Kupatan</span></span><span class="s10"><span class="bumpedFont20"> tradition can shape the </span></span><span class="s10"><span class="bumpedFont20">Tulungagung</span></span><span class="s10"><span class="bumpedFont20"> community in living a positive, tolerant, and harmonious social life with one another. Researchers hope that this tradition can be preserved by future generations and will be reviewed by future researchers in order to provide and find more up-to-date studies of the </span></span><span class="s10"><span class="bumpedFont20">Kupatan</span></span><span class="s10"><span class="bumpedFont20"> tradition.</span></span></p> 2023-07-10T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Kamila NawangTsany, Millatuz Zakiyah Pembelajaran Bahasa Arab dalam Pengembangan Karakter Anak di Era Modern : Kajian Konseptual 2023-09-12T06:37:45+00:00 Muhammad Zaidar <p><strong>Abstrak</strong> : Dalam era modern yang terus berkembang, penting bagi anak-anak untuk mengembangkan karakter yang kuat dan positif sebagai persiapan menghadapi berbagai tantangan dalam kehidupan. Pembelajaran Bahasa Arab telah menjadi topik yang menarik perhatian, tidak hanya sebagai sarana untuk membentuk karakter anak secara holistik, tapi juga sebagai bentuk komunikasi lintas budaya guna mengembangkan potensi anak-anak tersebut demi masa depannya. Pembelajaran Bahasa Arab memiliki potensi besar dalam membentuk karakter anak di era modern apabila diimplementasikan secara holistik dan terintegrasi dalam kurikulum pendidikan. Peran guru dan orang tua menjadi penting dalam memberikan dukungan dan pemahaman yang lebih mengenai pembelajaran Bahasa Arab untuk perkembangan karakter anak-anak dan juga menjadi pengawas, pembimbing dan penasehat bagi anak-anak dalam belajar dan memanfaatkan teknologi dalam preoses pembelajarannya. Dengan berkolaborasi bersama dan kesadaran yang meningkat, Pembelajaran Bahasa Arab akan sangat berguna dan menjadi sarana dalam membentuk generasi muda yang berintegritas, berkepribadian baik dan berempati di era modern yang semakin komples ini</p> <p><strong>Kata Kunci:</strong> Pembelajaran Bahasa Arab, Karakter, Era Modern</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p><strong>Abstract: </strong>In this modern era which is constantly growing, it is important for children to develop strong and positive characters preparation for facing various challenges in life. Learning Arabic today has become a topic of interest, not only as a means to shape the character of children holistically, but also as a form of cross-cultural communication in order to develop these children's potential for their future. Learning Arabic has great potential in shaping children's character in the modern era if it is implemented holistically and integrated into the education curriculum. The role of teachers and parents becomes important in providing support and a deeper understanding of learning Arabic for children's character development and also become supervisors, mentors and advisors for children in learning and utilizing technology in their learning processes. By collaborating together and awareness increases, Learning Arabic can be more usefull and become a means in forming a young generation with integrity, good personality and empathize in this increasingly complex modern era.</p> 2023-07-10T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Muhammad Zaidar